to trump up an excuseto turnto turn a blind eyeto turn a blind eye to somethingto turn greento turn one's backto turn things aroundto twistto twist someone armsto two my eggsto unleashto upskillto usto vanish into the blueto varying degreesto walk on eggshellsto walk out on somebodyto walk somebodyto want something to happento warmto washto wash dirty linen in publicto wash your hairto watchto wearto wear different hatsto wear offto wear ones heart on ones sleeveto wear thinto wear your heart on your sleeveto weepto weep sapto weighto what degreeto what do i owe the honorto what endto what extendto what extentto what purposeto what tune of yours am i supposed to danceto whichto whitewashto whomto whom it may concernto win fameto win one's businessto wing a duckto winterto wipe smile off ones faceto wit