to splash out sthto spoilto spotto sprainto spreadto spy on someoneto squeeze the triggerto stand a chanceto stand about doing nothingto stand back upto stand forto stand gaurdto stand on one's own legsto stand outto stand stillto stand the acid testto stareto startto start a revolutionto start shooting filmto start withto state of the artto stayto stay in shapeto stay the sameto stay under the radarto steal one’s thunderto steal the showto steer a middle courseto stepto step asideto step in no mans landto stereotype someoneto stick to the imageto stick withto stick your nose where it doesn’t belongto stopto stop being angry with someoneto storm the beachesto straighten upto strain a muscleto strap on a pairto strike the lyreto struggle with twitching limbsto studyto study all sides of a questionto subject someone to somethingto suchto such an extentto such an extent that