پیشنهادهای محمد (٣١)
ایرادی ندارد یا مشکلی نیست => برای اعلام رضایت برای انجام کاری توسط خودمان وقتی از ما چیزی خواسته اند یا انجام کاری توسط دیگری خواهش میکنم=> برای جوا ...
chances of future success I had no job, no education, and no prospects.
consider an activity to be normal that most people would thing was difficult, unusual, etc.
to add up to a total amount That comes to �23. 50.
to be the first one to do something, esp. to solve a problem: Don't be afraid to take the initiative and say what you think.
a ) to be allowed to go into and leave a place whenever you want اجازه دارند که هر کی خواستند وارد یک مکانی بشوند یا از ان خارج بشوند b ) to keep sta ...
look as though you are younger than you really are. جوان تر از سن واقعی به نظر رسیدن
به زندگیت برس
put things down, one by one, as you count them The teller counted out ten $50 bills.
if you do something on a shoestring, you do it without spending much money
to use something as the thing from which something else is developed
negative result نتایج بد/مضر
prepared to do something, or having no reason to not want to do it
a tricky/tough question = one that is difficult to answer
درباره کسی یا چیزی صحبت کردن
stop talking about it
قلم زدن بدهی از دفتر
to fail to pay money that you owe at the right time
o add something to something in order to improve it or make it more complete
written records of the financial accounts of a business eg: An accountant will examine the company’s books
if something or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they do as well as they were expected to, do what they promised etc
why, how, where, who etc . on earth informal :sued to emphasize a question when you are angry or surprised, or can not think of an obvious answer
put something ↔ out to take something outside your house and leave it there
to seem small or unimportant compared to something else
extreme opposite
very large and impressive He had produced a meal of epic proportions.
Hope for good luck or success
make sb welcome : to show someone that you are pleased that they are with you ( from Cambridge dictionary )
a ) if a place is cut off, people cannot leave it or reach it In winter, the town is often cut off by snow. b ) to be a long way from other places ...
دچار مشکل کردن. دشوار کردن =hamper ( مانع شدن ترجمه اشتباه هست ) Do not confuse with prevent ( =to make it impossible for someone to do something ...
used when asking someone for an opinion How do you like my new shoes? used when asking someone how they like their drinks made: "How do you like you ...