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however the tree would never share shadow with any of the animals, and would not let them come anywhere near.

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به معنی امن نگه داشتن میشه؟ Play it safe

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مثلا: چرا در جمله زیر از get و یا became استفاده نشد؟ The animals grew tired of listening to the hare

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Woman: Excuse me? Pharmacist: Yes. How may I help you? Woman: I have a sore throat, so my doctor gave me this prescription. Can I get it filled, please?

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The dragon took all their money.but still was not satisfied.

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San Francisco’s bedouins see themselves changing the nature of the workplace, if not the world at large

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One conception of democracy has it that a democratic society is one in which the public has the means to participate in some meaningful way in the management of their own affairs and the means of info ...

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That’s his home. The Tibetan government in exile is in Dharamsala. And the Tibetan people are so wonderful, so fantastic.

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Nobody wanted to play with him  آیا نمیتونیم از wants استفاده کنیم؟

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He and I both glanced up to the second floor. There were two large bay windows side by side up there. They looked like two dark eyes staring back at us. چرا  staring back at us ? چرا فقط نگفته  staring at us?

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When Paula meets Peter she does not know what she is getting into

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معنی real page- Turner رو ممکنه بفرمایید از انیمیشن inside out هست

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Law never made men more just; and, by means of their respect for it, even the well-disposed are daily made the agents of injustice.

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Later, Duke Orsino and Viola go to see Lady Olivia. Duke Orsino is surprised when Olivia calls Viola her husband. اینجا چرا از call استفاده کرده زنگ زدن چه معنی در این جمله داره؟  

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barn  هر چندتا معنی بلدید ازش لطفا بگید

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heard of heard about بجای of میشه about به کار برد؟

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 just for not having wanted to lose his web  مربوط به چه زمانیه و کاربردش چیه؟

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Taz was a good dog and enjoyed going on runs with Danelle.

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Filbert the mosquito shooting monkey subconsciously learned the Dalai Lama’s philosophy

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A: Hello. I’d like to make a long distance call to Toronto, to Jane Luke. Her number is 555-1238 . No, I’d like to make that collect. Thank you.

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We can’t have him bursting into that hospital room and spoiling the chance of Dad’s getting a confession.

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ترکیب keep با waiting میشه چی؟ و در صورت ترکیب هر دوتا کلمه رو بدون فاصله keppwaiting مینویسیم یا با keep waitingفاصله؟  

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