پیشنهادهای Raha (١٦)
البوم تمبر
go ahead or that's fine You say go ahead or that's fine when you l give someone permission to do sth
لباس اندامی/ چسبان
چهار شونه
Check ou a new resta👉🏼check out= find some infor mation
غیبت کردن ، چرت و پرت گفتن
لم دادن ، لش کردن مثلا روی مبل یا تخت ، تو خونه لم دادن
مثل وقتی که میگیم شب شد دیگه ، کم کم جمع کنیم
Get into چیزی رو روتین کردن Try to get into a study routine
دنبال کردن چیزی I pursued my English studies seriously
برپا کردن
To provide a person or place with the things that are needed for a particular kind of work or activity The house is equipped with ventilation syste ...
مجهز به . . . / تجهیز شده
The position of having control or responsibility for a group of people or an activity
When you visit famous or interesting places specially as a tourist
Pay someone money that you owe them at the right time عقب افتادن از برنامه