پیشنهادهای مهران غلامیان (١٥)
برو درتو بزار
Used to emphasize sth; very
کاملا بی معنی مزخرف محض ?Was it true what your dad said No it was utter nonsense, don't believe anything he says
Roared with laughter
نحوه رفتار کردن با کسی را بیان میکند یعنی با احترام با کسی رفتار کردن Opp: treat sb like dirt /a dog خیلی بد و بدون احترام رفتار کردن
I was having second thoughts about staying with marcus.
قیمتش خوبه ، معقوله ، مناسبه
Definition of BE THINKING OF / ABOUT DOING SOMETHING have considered something but not yet decided چیزی که در نظر گرفته شده فقط و بهش فکر شده اما ...
If i were i n sb's shoes
It makes no difference to me فرقی واسم نمیکنه
Take hold of sth and lift it to the higher place Opp Put sth down
Turn sth/sb down Refuse an offer, or the person who makes it امتناع از پذیرش یا موافقت با چیزی یا درخواست یا پیشنهاد شخصی را رد کردن For instanc ...
Remain stable
A statement or letter which describes sb's character and ability to do a job
A meal in which food is cooked outside on a grill