put onput on a bold frontput on a dietput on iceput on one's thinking capput on the dogput on the feed bagput on the gloveput on the mapput on the marketput on the panput on toput on your hatput one`s best foot forwardput one's best foot forwardput one's finger onput one's foot downput one's foot in itput one's foot in one's mouthput one's foot upput one's hand in one's pocketput one's oar input one's shoulder to the wheelput output out feelersput out of countenanceput out the welcome matput out to contractput out to pastureput overput pressure onput putput sb downput some effortput some milk to your teaput somebody off the scentput the cart before the horseput the finger onput the kibosh onput the record straightput the show on the roadput throughput through one's pacesput toput to bedput to deathput to flightput to itput to seaput to shame