get into hot waterget into shapeget into the swing of somethingget involved inget itget it in the neckget it through one's headget lostget marriedget nowhereget offget off a trainget off onget off one`s high horseget off someone's backget off the groundget off your arseget off your chestget onget on a trainget on forget on intimate terms with someoneget on one`s high horseget on someone's caseget on someone's nervesget on the roadget one goingget one's act togetherget one's back upget one's breath backget one's dander upget one's feet wetget one's hacklesget one's irish upget one's jolliesget one's just desertsget one's knife into somebodyget one's numberget one's own backget one's priorities rightget one's shit togetherget one's teeth intoget one's wind upget outget out of debtget out of the redget overget rid ofget something into shapeget spliced