worth a millionworth nothingworth the moneyworth while investmentworthilyworthinessworthlessworthlesslyworthlessnessworthwhileworthwhilenessworthyworthy adversaryworthy causeworthy ofworthy of his statusworthy of noteworthy of noticeworthy opponentwotwotchawouwouldwould bewould it were sowould likewould pass in a crowdwould sell his own motherwould thatwould that he were still livingwould you care to go for a walkwould you kindlywould you like to go to bed with mewould you pleasewouldestwouldntwouldn'twouldn't be seen dead withwouldn't budgewouldn't it be nice ifwouldstwouldvewould'vewoundwound dressingwound upwoundedwounded in actionwounded kneewounder