whartonwhatwhat a beautywhat a daywhat a grumpy fellowwhat a larkwhat a moronwhat a nervewhat a pitywhat a shamewhat a shmuckwhat a sourpusswhat a workoutwhat are the oddswhat are you up towhat can i dowhat can i saywhat did he mean bywhat did he mean by thatwhat difference does it makewhat do i carewhat do you carewhat do you dowhat do you do for mewhat do you wantwhat does it all add up towhat does it meanwhat elsewhat forwhat funwhat good it iswhat good will it dowhat happenedwhat has become ofwhat has become of himwhat have you got against mewhat howhat i say iswhat ifwhat if analysiswhat in the world do you meanwhat is done cannot be undonewhat is he afterwhat is he driving atwhat is in store forwhat is intended bywhat is itwhat is it with youwhat is it you want of mewhat is right is right