what is she likewhat is the differencewhat is the matterwhat is the reasonwhat is the sense ofwhat is the timewhat is the use ofwhat is the world coming towhat is thiswhat it takeswhat it's all aboutwhat kind of thing is thiswhat makes people tickwhat month is she inwhat nextwhat nonsensewhat ofwhat possessed youwhat saywhat the fuckwhat the fuck is going onwhat the heckwhat the hellwhat the hell does she wantwhat the hell is going onwhat the hell is thiswhat thenwhat time is itwhat was on his mindwhat was thatwhat was the purpose ofwhat we are talking aboutwhat we're dealing withwhat will the neighbors saywhat will the world saywhat would happen ifwhatchamacallitwhate'erwhateverwhatever betidewhatever forwhatever happenswhatever he likeswhatever the reasonwhatnesswhatnotwhatswhat'swhat's all the fuss aboutwhat's cooking