turn nose upturn nowturn ofturn of eventsturn of fateturn of mindturn of phraseturn of the centuryturn of the screwturn of the tideturn of the yearturn offturn off the acturn off the fanturn off the faucetturn off the lightsturn off the yearturn onturn on a dimeturn on each otherturn on its headturn on one's heelturn on some oneturn on someoneturn on the charmturn on the headturn on the televisionturn on the waterworksturn on two factor authenticationturn oneturn one’s stomachturn one's backturn ones back onturn one's hand toturn one's heelturn one's nose up atturn one's post overturn one's steps backturn one's stomachturn outturn out badlyturn out intoturn out rightturn out to beturn out wellturn overturn over a new leafturn over in one’s mindturn over in the mindturn over in your grave