talk a person intotalk a receptionisttalk a resttalk abouttalk about atalk about the deviltalk about the good old daystalk aroundtalk at cross purposestalk at oncetalk awaytalk backtalk back to sbtalk behind someone's backtalk bigtalk craptalk dirtytalk downtalk down totalk down to somebodytalk dritytalk for myselftalk him someone of the lunchtalk in earnesttalk in privatetalk in riddletalk in riddlestalk in tonguetalk intotalk is cheaptalk is cheapertalk it out on someonetalk it overtalk less and make a movetalk like a dutch uncletalk more latertalk my ear offtalk nineteen to the dozentalk nonsensetalk obscenelytalk oftalk of devilstalk of the deviltalk of the devil and the devil appearstalk of the towntalk on the phonetalk one on onetalk one's ear offtalk one's head offtalk oneself hoarse