پیشنهادهای حامد (٧١)
ارتباط برقرار کردن
course materials, usually textbooks, that are housed behind the library service desk
جلسه توجیهی
( especially in a financial context ) suffer unpleasant consequences as a result of one's actions, discouraging one from trying a similar action ag ...
the behaviour of someone who is very determined and refuses to give up, to change their mind, or to do what others want them to do سرسخت
A trade sale is the sale of a company, or part of a company, to another business that will carry on the company's trade. A company may sell off one o ...
در مقابل blue ocean Red ocean strategy is when companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand.
اعتراض شدید به یک اشتباه
protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice. Cry out
بصورت قسطی
کارآفرین مسن
a person in later life engaging in entrepreneurial activity i. e. setting up and running a business
In business: Differentiation occurs when a company, product or service stands out from the competition by meeting a unique customer need, incorporati ...
In business: a presentation of a business idea to potential investors.
منتهی شدن
to quickly traverse something for a particular purpose
something that is hoped for but will probably not happen.
Value stream mapping ( sometimes called VSM ) is a lean manufacturing technique to analyze, design, and manage the flow of materials and information ...
a secondary or incidental product or effect derived from technological development in a somewhat unrelated area.
money that a government provides for something بودجه دولتی
debt accumulated by Third World ( developing ) countries
Sustainability reporting is a form of non - financial reporting that enables companies to convey their progress toward goals on a variety of sustaina ...
all the payments and advantages that a company gives to workers who have lost their jobs because they are no longer needed
Promotional pricing is a sales strategy in which brands temporarily reduce the price of a product or service to attract prospects and customers.
Marketing intelligence is the practice of gathering and analyzing data to drive future decisions.
having a mixture of different things that a person can choose
سمت سازمانی.
زیر بار , تحت فشار ( مسئولیت و غیره ) بودن
قانون استخدام
a connection or association
means around seventy ( most likely, seventy plus an indeterminate few. . . )
دلسرد کننده in a way that makes you feel less confident, enthusiastic, and positive about something, or less willing to do something
معاملات سفته بازی
هواپیمای ملخی
to become known
speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or not important احمق و بی اهمیت فرض کردن کسی
music, TV, cinema, books, etc. that are popular and enjoyed by ordinary people, rather than experts or very educated people
situations in which the total of gains and losses is less than zero دو سر سوخت
مخارج مصرف کننده
Consumer spending is the total money spent on final goods and services by individuals and households for personal use and enjoyment in an economy.
Organizations know so much about us, they can almost see through us. Governments and businesses collect and process our personal information on a mas ...
Promotional pricing is a sales strategy in which brands temporarily reduce the price of a product or service to attract prospects and customers. By l ...
Omnichannel retail strategy, originally also known in the U. K. as bricks and clicks, is a business model by which a company integrates both offline ...
The techniques of targeting and communicating with potential customers using marketing materials without their consent, such as ‘junk’ or ‘push’ e - ...
فروشنده تلفنی
ready to
to start doing a new job or activity
you are studying a subject in order to attain a level of accomplishment in it
Encouraged to Act