جدیدترین پیشنهادها
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من مطمئنم شرط میبندم
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جدیدترین پاسخها
Our bodies are created for moving درست هست یا Our body is created for moving
جمله ی دوم درست هست. اگه بخوایم جمله ی اول رو بگیم اینطوری میگیم: Our bodies are created to move
After a while time certainly I can tell you یا After a while time I can tell you certainly کدوم صحیح تره ؟
اولا after a while time اشتباهه. یا باید بگیم after a while یا after a time. در مورد سوال هر دو جمله درسته ولی معنی متفاوتی داره: After a while certainly I can tell you بعد از مدتی حتما میتونم بهت بگم After a while I can tell you certainly بعد از مدتی میتونم با اطمینان بهت بگم
In so-called nonfiction novels, a documentary style is combined with fictional techniques ……… actual events and people.
To describe یا describing درسته
کدام گزینه صحیحه ؟ During the course of its growth, a frog undergoes a true metamorphosis ……… with a fish like larval stage. 1) begin 2) began 3) beginning 4) is begun
گزینه ۳ beginning
Accidental By luck