پیشنهادهای مونا (٣٤)
آمفتامین ها به اشکال مختلفی مانند قرص، کپسول، پودر و کریستال تولید می شوند و به طور غیرقانونی و با اسم هایی مانند “سرعت ( Speed ) ” به فروش می رسند. ...
to take speed: to take an illegal drug which is a very strong stimulant ( an amphetamine )
Pac - Man is a high - risk hostile takeover defense tactic that involves the target company attempting to acquire control of the company that bid for ...
: as idiom exactly
to continue in a strong and determined way until the end of something, even when this is difficult
safety call ( dating ) A prescheduled phone call to another person who knows where one is and who one was going out with.
slang: Smoking or being intoxicated by smoking crystal meth ( methamphetamine hydrochloride ) . A reference to the ice - like appearance of the drug.
( idiomatic ) The world دنیا، جهان
have a beautiful smile with bright white shiny ( blinding ) teeth.
It means to scratch someone's car with a key to damage the paint.
a cereal that is not heated before serving. synonyms: dry cereal
To have sex with someone.
to be the person that someone in authority likes best and treats better than anyone else
To be very likely or eager to do something.
generally used to refer to a situation or set of circumstances that occurred while someone else was in charge.
چوبی که بازیکنان بیس بال به دست می گیرند �چُفته� نامیده می شود
: 'She's a trip" or "He's a trip" or about something "it's a trip" means that it's strange, and that may be a good thing or a bad thing. Either way, ...
to eagerly and quickly use an opportunity to do something
Double dead meat : An animal that was killed by accident or disease instead of being properly slaughtered, then butchered to be sold. Double dead : ...
1. It means it is not possible ( for us ) to hope for anything better.
When someone does something beautifully and makes it seem effortless. " a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way:
a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way . When someone does something beautifully and makes it seem effortless.
یکی از بیسکوییت های معروف در دنیاست که از کره، روغن، شکر، آرد، جوش شیریت، کرم تارتار و گاهی هم تخم مرغ تهیه می شود.
This phrase is used for making sure someone keeps a promise.
مُقُر آمدن، اعتراف کردن، اقرار کردن
asking ( someone ) for something repeatedly and in a way that is annoying
به عبارتی دیگر به عنوان کلونگ ( /ˈklɔːŋ/ ) هجی می شود، به طور معمول به آبراهه در تایلند اشاره دارد. این آبراهه ها از رودهای چائو پرایا، تا چین و ما ...
to seek an advantage or to create a false impression by saying things that are not true
1. A type of fish or other seafood which has been caught and brought to market within more - or - less the last 24 hours صید روز 2. ( idiomatic ) A ...
a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one mile on each side; equivalent to 2. 59 square kilometers.
قیمت مناسب، قیمت کمتر
پارگین یا کلواک ( به انگلیسی: Cloaca ) ، سوراخی در پایین شکم یا پشت جانور است که به عنوان تنها مخرج برای مجرای روده ای، تناسلی و ادراری گونه های خاصی ...
idiom. : to make someone feel disgusted, afraid, etc.
That's mean' means that something is mean or unkind.