پیشنهادهای سارا تکلو (٣٢٥)
To try to cause arguments or problems. Whenever he's around, he always manages to stir up trouble. We've got enough problems without you trying to ...
To encourage somebody to do something; to make somebody feel they must do something.
To begin to move; to hurry
The activity of trying to make a situation in which people disagree even worse.
A person whose job is to maintain the outer fences of a farm. He worked as a boundary rider before getting involved in farming.
A word with no meaning
To treat somebody with no respect at all. They treat their workers like dirt.
A very thin vein, especially one that can be seen through the skin. I use make - up to hide the thread veins in my cheeks. مویرگ
Metal made into very thin sheets that is used for covering or wrapping things, especially food.
A hill that is formed when waste sand from the mining of gold is piled in one place over a period of time.
A chocolate cake in the shape of a log, traditionally eaten at Christmas.
Any small computing device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
To leave somebody alone to do as they wish, and not tell them what to do.
A wise remark. Thank you for those pearls of wisdom.
Smooth grains of barley, which are added to soups and other dishes.
A man who on special occasions wears dark clothes covered in thousands of small shiny buttons. A pearly queen is a woman who does the same. This is a ...
To do or be something that makes a situation or achievement less attractive or impressive.
The use of pieces of furniture, curtains, etc. that are informal and romantic in style, especially ones that seem old and worn
Fashionable left - wing views; the people, behaviour and way of life connected with these views.
A set of legal measures that are intended to stop somebody from harming somebody else. He breached the protection order by phoning his ex - wife on ...
A toast ( = an act of raising your glass and drinking at the same time as other people ) at a formal dinner, to show loyalty to the queen or king. Pe ...
A Jewish festival that takes place 50 days after the second day of Passover
Money given by the government to organizations or local areas.
A remark that seems to express admiration but could also be understood as an insult.
If a system or service creaks under the strain, it cannot deal effectively with all the things it is expected to do or provide.
غدای دریایی و گوشت قرمز با هم
A person who is employed at a beach to rescue people who are in danger in the water. نجات غریق
The sport of jumping from a plane and travelling through the air on a board before landing with a parachute.
A person who spends a lot of time using the internet.
A small town near Liverpool, England, built by Lord Leverhulme at the end of the 19th century for the people working in his soap factory. It was a 'm ...
To try all possible means to find a solution or some hope in a difficult or unpleasant situation, even though this seems very unlikely. I know I'm j ...
A military punishment involving marching up and down while carrying all your equipment.
A wedding held in an exciting or unusual place in a foreign country where all the people who travel to the wedding can also have a holiday. They had ...
A major US cable and satellite television channel, started in 1985, which originally only offered programmes on history, technology, nature and adven ...
A sweet dish that is especially popular with Cajuns in the US. It is made of chocolate ice cream that is frozen on pastry and covered with meringue ( ...
Traditional medical treatments, often made from plants, used in bush ( 3 ) communities. You can sample bush tucker, learn about bush medicines and c ...
The practice of borrowing and investing money in order to make a loss that can be used to lower the amount of tax paid. Income tax rates are low, ma ...
A sale of the possessions of a person who has died or is moving to another house.
ball that reaches the batsman without touching the ground and is easy to hit.
A period of time spent as a member of a jury in court.
A British organization started by a group of doctors in 1935. It campaigns for a change in the law to make it legal to help very ill people who want ...
To demand to be treated with the respect that you think that you deserve. Our teacher never stands on her dignity with us, but treats us all as frie ...
Below what you see as your own importance or worth
The upper limit on the amount of money that a government can borrow. They will either have to make cuts somewhere or raise the debt ceiling
A round object that is fixed to the ceiling of a room for the wires of an electric light to go through.
A way of referring to poor white people from a low social class
If you have double vision, you can see two things where there is actually only one.
ملکی که توسط خاندان سلطنتی بدون بها به کسی برای سکونت داده می شود constituting a habitation granted rent - free ( as to a retainer ) by the English ...
سال تقویمی بعد از تولد مسیح مثلا ۳۰۰ سال بعد از مسیح a calendar year of the Christian era the year of grace 1993
Sexually exciting dancing or striptease that is performed close to, or sitting on, a customer in a bar or club.