to miss sbto miss the markto more extentto motivate peopleto moveto move forwardto move heaven and earthto move someone or somethingto muchto mug offto musicto my astonishmentto my dismayto my faceto my great surpriseto my heart's contentto my knowledgeto my mindto my mortificationto my regretsto my reliefto my shameto my surpriseto my tasteto my way of thinkingto myselfto nail a lie to the counterto name a fewto name but a fewto name just a fewto need a lot of askingto nextto no availto no effectto no endto no purposeto nodge the ballto not be able to breatheto not care forto not have a clueto not have the ghost of a chanceto not notic someone or somethingto not see the wood for the treesto noteto nurse a grievanceto objectto obtainto obtain feedbackto offendto offer