i am sure thati am swampedi am telling on youi am the king of shopingi am thrilled to bitsi am throughi am through withi am ticklishi am tied upi am to tell youi am too muchi am torni am under the weatheri am up for that nighti am up to doing somethingi am up to my earsi am up to my ears ini am up to my neck in worki am using whatsappi am very open to criticismi am what i ami am who i ami am with you so fari am working on iti am writing in response toi am writing to enquire whetheri am writing to inform you of my intention toi am yearningi am your humblei am your mani apologizei appreciatei appreciate iti appreciate thati appreciate the apologyi appreciate the gesturei appreciate youi appreciate you stopping byi ask youi assume soi assure youi ate crowi ate humble piei ate the crowi ate the shiti ate up to my earsi back you upi barely know heri barely know himi barely managed