i am appalledi am as i ami am at a loss for wordsi am at my wits endi am at my wit's endi am at the end of my ropei am at your servicei am be darnedi am beati am bemusedi am blessedi am blowing some steam oni am blown awayi am bluei am bored out of my mindi am brokei am broken these daysi am busyi am busy as a beei am calling toi am carrying the torch for himi am comfortablei am coming down withi am cross with youi am cut our for this jobi am dead seriousi am debating betweeni am delighted to inform you thati am developingi am different broi am doing goodi am doing welli am donei am done with youi am downi am drawing a blanki am dying for youi am easyi am fallingi am fastingi am feeling throwin upi am feeling under the weatheri am finei am finished with youi am flat brokei am flatteredi am for youi am freaking outi am freei am from missouri