had a blasthad a callinghad a car crashhad a day in hellhad a difficult birthhad a falling outhad a feelinghad a fithad a hand inhad a hard timehad a hell of a time at the wakehad a hunchhad a resthad a rowhad a snowballhad a troubled childhoodhad a vivid imaginationhad a workouthad an accidenthad an argumenthad an argument withhad beenhad been seenhad betterhad connectionhad datedhad doubts abouthad enoughhad expressedhad fallen from gloryhad falling outhad flownhad funhad good runhad gothad hadhad his best interest at hearthad his head in the cloudshad i hadhad i known thathad in mindhad it badhad it both wayshad it cominghad it not been forhad nothing to dohad nothing to losehad onhad once beenhad only to