a bit ofa bit of aa bit of a handfula bit of a lada bit of a picklea bit of a pilla bit of a stretcha bit of all righta bit of backgrounda bit of bodya bit of companya bit of draga bit of fluffa bit of how's your fathera bit of rougha bit of skirta bit of stretcha bit of the othera bit offa bit off colora bit off coloura bit on the heavya bit on the sidea bit priceya bit richa bit rustya bit seriousa bit steepa bit thicka bit too mucha bit uppitya bitch in heata bitea bite at the cherrya biting winda biting wind or an icy winda bitter pilla bitter pill to swallowa black flaga black marka black mark againsta black sheepa blacklega blanket ofa blasta blast from the pasta blazing infernoa bleak picturea blessing disguisea blessing in disguise