پیشنهادهای سعید (٥)
٢ سال پیش
یه چیز، حتمیه/قطعیه/مسلمه. مثال: One thing is for sure. It’s a lot of work keeping up with the latest fashion trends. One thing’s for sure, we’ll ne ...
٢ سال پیش
کسی را غافلگیر/شوکه کردن. مثال: The question took her by surprise. The organization was taken completely by surprise by the announcement.
٢ سال پیش
خیر و صلاح کسی را خواستن/ خیرخواه کسی بودن. مثال: She told him she only had his interests at heart. He has your best interests at heart, you know.
٣ سال پیش
بهترین ( روش، تصمیم یا انتخاب ) . مثال: 1. A law against dumping waste is the way to go. 2. I have two great job offers and I'm not sure which one i ...
٤ سال پیش
1. فکر کردن ( He halted for a while to take thought ) ، 2. به فکر نیاز داشتن ( It just takes a little thought. )