پیشنهادهای محمد حامد همایی (١٩)
1. to have an effect on ( something ) تأثیر داشتن بر چیزی مثال: Personal feelings did not bear on our decision 2. to apply or relate to ( something ...
to assemble with difficulty به سختی جمع آوری کردن مثال1 we scratched together a team مثال 2 Gandhi went to the mud flats and scratched together a s ...
1. a period of not much activity ( UK ) یک دوره با فعالیت کم مثال: The project was a slow burn, taking months of preparation before it finally gain ...
If someone or something stands/sticks out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they are very different from the people or things around t ...
moving forward and passing objects or scenes along the way به جلو حرکت کردن و عبور از اشیا یا مناظر در طول مسیر مثال: As you ride past in the train, ...
1. to force yourself through something that is holding you back خود را با زور از مانعی عبور دادن مثال: Protesters broke through the barriers 2. to ...
to be strongly affected by an emotion or a feeling به شدت تحت تأثیر یک احساس یا عاطفه قرار گرفتن مثال: After his dog died, Danny was overcome with g ...
a mistake that someone makes when not being careful اشتباهی که وقتی کسی مراقب نیست مرتکب می شود مثال: She has made some slips lately that show she’s ...
If one person, action, or fact is in accord with another, they are in agreement and there is no conflict between them موافقت و مطابقت داشتن منبع: ht ...
to accuse someone in public of doing something wrong متهم کردن کسی در ملاء عام به انجام کاری اشتباه مثال: Charges of corruption have been levelled a ...
1. in a way that looks old and in bad condition because of being used for a long time or not being cared for به گونه ای که به دلیل استفاده طولانی مدت ...
1. to select ( the best or most appropriate ) especially for presentation, distribution, or publication گلچین کردن، به ویژه برای ارائه، توزیع یا انتش ...
In mathematics, the cardinality of a set is a measure of the number of elements of the set. For example, the set contains 3 elements, and therefore h ...
A collection or integrated network of existing customers ( or end - users ) of a product or service مجموعه یا شبکه یکپارچه ای از مشتریان موجود ( یا ک ...
to remove clutter from a room, an area, etc از بین بردن به هم ریختگی از یک اتاق، یک منطقه و غیره مثال: Got more time? Declutter your closets منبع: ...
1. to impede or prevent the passage of ( a bill ) through filibustering ممناعت کردن یا جلوگیری کردن از تصویب یک ( لایحه ) از طریق filibustering ( ایر ...
being or in accordance with current social fashions and style مطابق با مد و شیوه های اجتماعی کنونی مثال: Wide - brimmed hats are currently en vogue a ...
feeling very cheerful, happy, and enthusiastic احساس بسیار شاد، خوشحال و پرشوق داشتن
1. to stop communicating with each other, to no longer know what is happening in each other's lives قطع ارتباط با یکدیگر، به طوری که در مورد زندگی یک ...