kk adk divergencek means algorithmk out of n systemk permutationk ratio t testsk sample problemk statisticskalman filteringkantorovich inequalitykaplan meier estimatorkappa coefficientkappa test of concordancekapteyn distributionkarber methodkarhunen loeve expansionkarlin mcgregor theoremkatz system of distributionskemp families of distributionskernelkernel estimatorkernel methodkernel method of smoothingkesten theoremskey blockkey renewal theoremkeyfitz method of life table constructionkeyfitz method of variance estimationkhwarazmikiefer processkiefer weiss problemkiefer wolfowitz equivalence theoremkiefer wolfowitz procedurekinematic displaykingman inequalityklotz testknock out tournamentsknut vik designknut vik squarekolmogorov axiomkolmogorov backward equationkolmogorov criterionkolmogorov forward equationkolmogorov khinchin theoremkolmogorov sinai invariantkolmogorov smirnov statistickolmogorov smirnov symmetry testkolmogorov smirnov type tests of fitkoopman darmois pitman family