theorem about the probability of hypothesestheorem of addition of probabilitiestheorem of bolzano weierstrasstheorem of completenesstheorem of pascaltheorem of weierstrasstheorems of the alternativetheorems on dispersiontheorems on expectationtheorems on variancetheoreticaltheoretical capacitytheoretical formulatheoretical frequenciestheoretical frequencytheoretical inferentialtheoretical populationtheorictheoricaltheorytheory of approximationtheory of automatatheory of classical probabilitytheory of dualitytheory of equationstheory of errorstheory of functiontheory of gamestheory of geometric probabilitytheory of groupstheory of informationtheory of limit distributionstheory of limitstheory of magnetismtheory of meaningtheory of numberstheory of probabilitytheory of setstheory of statistical inferencetheory of the aggregatestheory of typesthere existthere is an x such thattherebythereforethereofthermal balancethermal conductivitythermal diffusivitythermal stress