octahedral copper oreoctahedral iron oreoctahedral planesoctahedron or octahedral or octahedraloctal notationoctanoctet rule or octet or octetoctree or oc tree or oc treeocular or ocular plate or ocular plate or eyepieceocular plateocular poreocular sinusoculogenital ring or apical system or apical systemodanieliteodd pinnateoddo or harkins rule or oddo or harkins or oddo or harkinsodds and end or odds and ends or odds and endsodds ratio or odds or oddsodeniteodenopterisodiniteodintsoviteodographodometerodonataodouroedometeroeil de chatoeil de fauconoeil or de or fauconoeniteoff centeroff channeloff rampoff shore windoff streamoff tank chanaloffice of forest serviceoffice of geological surveyoffice of soil conservation serviceoffretiteoffsetoffset bendoffset depositoffset distanceoffset shotpointoffset streamoffshoreoffshore baroffshore barrier