flow gage¡ flow gaugeflow gneissflow indexflow layerflow layeringflow mark or flow marks or flow marksflow measurementflow netflow path seed pointflow planeflow profileflow rateflow recovery headflow regimeflow slideflow slide ¡ mudslideflow splitter and deflectorflow structureflow systemflow unitflow velocityflowageflowage castflowage foldflower garden bankflowers of ironflowers structureflowing groundflowing waterflowing wellflowmeterflowsheetflowstonefluckitefluctuatingfluctuation or oscillation or oscillationflue gas desulfurizationflue or flaxstone or flaxstonefluellitefluentfluent chalkfluial deposit or fluial or fluial or fluviatilefluid dynamicsfluid escape structurefluid inclusion or inclusion or inclusionfluid mechanicsfluid netfluidityfluidity indexfluidization