what's it like

پیشنهاد کاربران

چه شکلی است ؟؟
گاهی وقت ها بمعنی چجوری است ؟
What is it like ? در اینجا در حالتی سوال می کنی که اطلاعاتی از موضوع نداری . می گی "مثلا چجوری ؟
آنجا چه مشکلی است
چه مشکلی است
چجوریه - چه شکلیه
? What's it like being you ? What's it like being a young superstar in los Angeles
I wanna live here for a couple years. Expensive here
?what is sb/sth like

:something you say to ask someone to describe someone or something
?You've met Jane's new girlfriend, haven't you? What's she like
?I've never been to Bruges - what's it like
?So what's it like, then, not having to work
