
پیشنهاد کاربران

A thunderbox refers to an outdoor toilet, typically a makeshift or primitive structure. The term is often used in rural or remote areas where indoor plumbing is not available.
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[مشاهده متن کامل]

این اصطلاح اغلب در مناطق روستایی یا دورافتاده که لوله کشی آب در دسترس نیست استفاده می شود.
When camping, we had to use a thunderbox instead of a regular bathroom.
In a discussion about historical living conditions, one might mention, “People used to have to use a thunderbox in their backyard. ”
Someone might say, “I grew up in a small town where we still had thunderboxes in some houses. ”

توالت موقت، مستراح موقت و قابل حمل
