take a toll on

پیشنهاد کاربران

اثر بد بر جا گذاشتن، به جا گذاشتن آسیب
با حرف اضافه On مثال:
often on. Too much sunlight can take a ( heavy ) toll on your skin
1 ) to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something
2 ) to cause harm or damage
👈🏿If you keep working so hard, the stress will eventually take its toll
:often on
👈🏿Too much sunlight can take a ( heavy ) toll on your skin
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈🏿Her illness has taken a toll on her marriage
👈🏿Oil Production Cuts Are Taking Their Toll On Saudi Arabia’s Economy

عوارض زیاد بر جای گذشتن
پیامد داشتن
صدمه زدن
تاثیر منفی گذاشتن
آسیب روحی - روانی وارد شدن به کسی
صدمه عاطفی دیدن کسی
تأثیر داشتن - باعث خسارات زیاد، مرگ، رنج و . . . شدن
take a heavy toll ( on somebody/something ) ,
take its toll ( on somebody/something )
to have a bad effect on someone or something;
to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Illness had taken a heavy toll on her.
The recession is taking its toll on the housing markets.
