give someone a talking to

پیشنهاد کاربران

To “chew someone’s ear” means to reprimand or scold them at length, often in a persistent or nagging manner.
توبیخ کردن یا سرزنش کردن طولانی مدت کسی، اغلب به شیوه ای مداوم یا آزاردهنده.
معادل فارسی آن شاید؛ گوش کسی را پیچاندن، گوش کسی را کشیدن
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“My mother chewed my ear about cleaning my room. ”
A friend might say, “My boss chewed my ear for coming in late. ”
In a relationship, one partner might say, “She chewed my ear for forgetting our anniversary. ”

To “give someone a talking - to” means to scold or reprimand them, typically in a serious or stern manner.
سرزنش یا توبیخ کردن کسی، معمولاً به شیوه ای جدی یا شدید.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“My boss gave me a talking - to after I made a mistake. ”
A parent might say, “I need to give my child a talking - to about their behavior. ”
In a disciplinary meeting, a supervisor might say, “I had to give him a serious talking - to about his performance. ”

