انجام دادن - فعل
We can accomplish the task on time
به انجام رساندن، به پایان رساندن - فعل
She will accomplish her mission soon
محقق کردن، تحقق بخشیدن - فعل
He will accomplish his dreams
به دست آوردن، نائل شدن - فعل
She will accomplish great things in her life
↩️ دوستان لطفاً به این توضیحات خوب دقت کنید:
📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم com
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "thoroughly" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به معنای "thoroughly" یا "completely" اشاره دارند.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
📂 مثال:
🔘 Comestible: thoroughly prepared to be eaten
🔘 Complicity: thorough involvement in a bad or illegal situation
🔘 Discomfit: to thoroughly embarrass or frustrate someone
🔘 Complacent: being thoroughly self - satisfied, often to a fault
🔘 Compunction: a thorough feeling of guilt about doing something wrong
🔘 Comport: to thoroughly behave in a particular way
🔘 Complaisant: thoroughly willing to please others without complaint
🔘 Commutation: the thorough reduction of a punishment to something less severe
🔘 Commandeer: to thoroughly take something by force
🔘 Commemorate: to thoroughly honor or remember someone
🔘 Commendation: thorough praise for excellent work
🔘 Competent: thoroughly skilled or able to do something well
🔘 Compliant: thoroughly willing to obey or follow rules
🔘 Compulsion: a thorough urge to do something you feel you must do
🔘 Discombobulated: thoroughly confused or upset by unexpected events
🔘 Encompass: to thoroughly include or surround something
🔘 Composure: thorough calmness, even in tough situations
🔘 Comply: to thoroughly obey or yield to demands
🔘 Compromise: to thoroughly endanger or weaken something, such as safety
🔘 Commotion: thorough noisy disturbance or activity
🔘 Comprehend: to thoroughly understand or grasp an idea
🔘 Complicated: thoroughly difficult to understand due to many parts
🔘 Completely: thoroughly or fully done
🔘 Commitment: a thorough promise or agreement to stick to something
🔘 Accomplish: to thoroughly complete or achieve something
🔘 Complex: thoroughly difficult due to many interconnected parts
🔘 Recommend: to thoroughly suggest something useful or good
🔘 Comfort: thorough assistance, often in difficult times
🔘 Complete: to thoroughly bring something to an end
💢 دوستان کلمات زیر همگی مترادف هم هستند:
🔘 Attain
🔘 Accomplish
🔘 Fulfill
🔘 Realize
🔘 Achieve
🔘 Succeed
🔘 Complete
🔘 Earn
✅ Definition:
👉 To successfully reach or complete a goal or objective.
به دست آوردن
دستیابی - حصول ( حاصل شدن ) - اجرا - انجام
دست یافتن به، انجام دادن
مثال: She accomplished her goal of running a marathon.
او موفق شد به هدف خود در دویدن ماراتن دست یابد.
1. تحقق بخشیدن به ( آرزو )
2. توفیق یافتن در، نایل شدن به، دست یافتن به
به پایان رساندن، به نتیجه رساندن
آفریده است
تحقق بخشیدن
تحقق یافتن
به انجام رساندن/عملی کردن
Example: accomplish a goal
عملی کردن هدف
🔍 دوستان مشتقات ( derivatives ) این کلمه اینها هستند:
✅ فعل ( verb ) : accomplish
✅️ اسم ( noun ) : accomplishment
✅️ صفت ( adjective ) : accomplished
✅️ قید ( adverb ) : _
دست یافتن به هدف یا خواسته
تحقق بخشیدن
تحقق یافتن
صورت گرفتن
نائل شدن
Doing s. th successfuly
انجام دادن ( با موفقیت )
– They accomplished the task in less than ten minutes
– These changes cannot be accomplished in so little time
– We have two more tasks to accomplish before we're done
انجام دادن، کاری را با موفقیت انجام دادن
verb[ obj] : to succeed in doing ( something ) ◀️
They have accomplished [=done, achieved] much in a very short period of time. He finally felt like he had accomplished [=done] something◀️ important.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
◀️There are several different ways to accomplish the same task.
It's amazing what you can accomplish [=do] through/with hard work.
◀️Exactly what he thought he would accomplish is unclear.
◀️◀️ Not sure what lime is trying to accomplish
کارکرد، دستاورد
تفوق یافتن
موفق شدن ( در انجام و به پایان رساندن کاری )
به عنوان مثال :
Which ancient figure do you think accomplished the most?
فکر می کنید که کدام شخصیت تاریخی از همه بیشتر موفق شده است؟
از پس کاری برآمدن، از عهدۀ کاری برآمدن
( هدف ) محقق کردن
کسب کردن
کاری را با موفقیت انجام دادن
بدست آوردن چیزی
عملی کردن
رسیدگی کردن
به انجام رساندن کار یا وظیفه. با موفقیت تمام کردن.
We could accomplished all of our assigment
به اتمام رساندن کار یا وظیفه. با موفقیت به نتیجه رسیدن
We could accomplished all our assigment
تمام و کمال انجام دادن. . به نتیجه رساندن. . با موفقیت ب پایان رساندن
انجام دادن
دست یافتن
ترتیب دادن
دستاورد داشتن
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ٣٦)