a guilty conscience needs no accuser

پیشنهاد کاربران

People who know they have done wrong reveal their guilt by the things they say or the way they interpret what other people say
🔰a guilty conscience needs no accuser🔰
1 ) A feeling of guilt and remorse can be so strong that it will prompt an offender to confess, even if no one is requiring them to do so
[مشاهده متن کامل]

. E. g
👈 Gary felt so guilty after taking the money out of
👈 Bill's wallet that he confessed and returned it a day later. A guilty conscience needs no accuser
👈 A: "I can't believe the neighbor confessed to the
murder! The police didn't even suspect him. "
B: "Well, a guilty conscience needs no accuser. "
👈 I think the student who stole the mascot will come forward all on their own because a guilty conscience needs no accuser
🔰A guilty conscience needs no accuser🔰
2 ) If you have done something wrong and feel guilty about it, you will be uncomfortable and want to confess even if no one accuses you of wrongdoing
. E. g
Even though no one noticed him eating most of the cookies, Peter felt so bad about it that he told us what he had done. A guilty conscience needs no accuser
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