had he nothad high hopes for himhad his best interest at hearthad his cake and ate it toohad his head in the cloudshad his say on the matterhad his share of sufferinghad his wayhad in his possessionhad in mindhad intercourse withhad it both wayshad it not been forhad labor painshad many enemieshad nightmareshad no answerhad no choicehad no cluehad no complaintshad no descendantshad no doubthad no excusehad no hope of salvationhad no more strengthhad no timehad no way of knowinghad nothing to dohad nothing to losehad ratherhad repercussionshad reservationshad scrupleshad sexhad sex with himhad some business to attend tohad soonerhad stoolhad the benefit of the doubthad the best of both worldshad the couragehad the fire under controlhad the gutshad the shivershad the situation under controlhad the time of his lifehad tohadarhadash partyhadassah