
پیشنهاد کاربران

استعمارگر شدن
با نظر شخص دوم موافقم. برای اطلاعات بیشتر ادامه متن رو بررسی کنید
تعریف هژمونی :
تسلط سیاسی، اقتصادی یا نظامی یک ایالت بر سایر ایالت ها
تعریف هژمون :
ایالت یا کشوری که از لحاظ قدرت اقتصادی، نظامی و سیاسی نسبت به همتایان منطقه ای خود از جایگاه به مراتب بالاتری برخوردار باشه و روی آنها کنترل و تسلط داشته باشه ( Far higher )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Hegemon : هژمون ( هِجِ مان )
Hegemony : هژمونی ( هِجِ مِنی )
🔴 a leader, country, or group that is very strong and powerful and therefore able to control others
Could the United States lose out to another global hegemon, ◀️ China?
◀️ Some kinds of order may even warrant blanket rejection - for example, the order imposed by an imperial hegemon
◀️ This is not to argue that it has been successful in the role of a benevolent regional hegemon
◀️ This is because the prevailing business environment of the music industry is and has been set by the trade imperialism model of the hegemon
◀️ This is not to argue that it has been successful in the role of a benevolent regional hegemon
◀️ We do not share self - styled realist views about the essential, irreplaceable nature of positively disproportionate contributions by a hegemon
◀️ Linguistic imperialism is the assertion of linguistic hegemony of powerful nations over other communities, a state of affairs from which the hegemon profits
◀️ He considers that ' regional hegemons ' are economically beneficial and not politically destabilising
◀️ The governor and mayor perform the roles of two local hegemons presiding over their respective administrative branches, which in turn regulate local power
◀️ The expansion of the caravan trade in the nineteenth century is regarded as having similar catalytic effects on the north, as would - be regional hegemons sought to direct profitable commerce
◀️ The hegemon is able to ensure the production of a package of collective goods that they privately prefer to what would emerge if they did not get involved
◀️ ? But why was a hegemon needed
◀️ Yesterday's victims often become tomorrow's hegemons
◀️ Governments of a country with a big displacement in international financial markets may act like a hegemon, imposing their national policies in ways reaping national benefits and externalizing costs
◀️ Emblematic of the trend in administrative elite recruitment are the careers of the two local hegemons
◀️ Vinson's evidence shows that the colour - based social hierarchy of the hegemon became the hierarchy of the subaltern
◀️ Europe, however, has no financial hegemon

قدرت برتر منطقه ای
هِژِمون. یک قدرت سرآمد یا برتر. یک کشور و یا یک فرد مسلط و نافذ. مترادفِ این واژه در زبان انگلیسی «Hegemon» می باشد که همان واژهٌ یونانیِ «Hegemon» ( که معنی «رهبر» و «پیشوا» را دارد ) است از مصدر «Hegeisthai» ( به معنی «پیشوائی نمودن» ) .
