محل زندگی

پیشنهاد کاربران

one's part of the world
The cost of living is becoming unbearable for retired people in our part of the world
متوطن. [ م ُ ت َ وَطْ طَ ] ( ع اِ ) محل اقامت : شهری که مسکن و متوطن ایشان بود در حصار گرفت. ( ترجمه تاریخ یمینی چ 1 تهران ص 290 ) .
مسکن محله منزل
محل زندگی
The Virginia Emergency Support Team ( VEST ) was monitoring the situation and preparing for extreme weather, but Virginians were advised to plan if their area was a coastal community, and to watch for weather alerts through the weekend
habitance place
habitance location
