

معنی انگلیسی:
acoustic, audio, phonic, sonic, vocal

فرهنگستان زبان و ادب

[فیزیک] ← آکوستیکی

مترادف ها

acoustic (صفت)
سخنگو، صوتی، اوا شنودی، وابسته به شنوایی، مربوط به صدا، مربوط به سامعه

vocal (صفت)
صوتی، خواندنی، دهن دریده، اوازی، مربوط به حرف با صدا

sonic (صفت)
صوتی، شنودی، سماعی، وابسته به سرعت صوت، در میدان شنوایی

phonic (صفت)
صوتی، صدا دار، صدایی، جسم صدا دار، وابسته به اواز و پژواک

tonic (صفت)
صوتی، نیروبخش، مقوی، صدایی، اهنگی

vowel (صفت)
صوتی، صدا دار، مصوته

sonant (صفت)
صوتی، دارای اهنگ، صدا دار، طنین دار، باهنگ صدا

vocalic (صفت)
صوتی، اوایی، صدا دار، مربوط به حرف با صدا

فارسی به عربی

حرف العلة , سمعی , صوتی

پیشنهاد کاربران

پارک لونا
I am very interested in the school modem plan because we can manage the school. I would like to be the deputy of the school in the modem project and supervise the children's activities in the recreation
[مشاهده متن کامل]
hall and take care of the case and situation of my students. The modem project in the school helps the teachers and other school staff to do their work in a more correct way.

Understanding Roles and Responsibilities
Once the team's goals and mission have been established, people's roles must be clearly defined. It should be determined what is expected of each individual, and by when. One common problem is that team leaders think they communicate information on goals and roles clearly to team members. However, in some cases team members remain unclear on these important areas. The problem is that we fail to get feedback from team members. We should make sure that the members understand their roles and responsibilities. Furthermore, it may be true that sometimes team members are not willing to admit that they are not clear on the objectives of the project. Sometimes, we have not asked questions because we were afraid that people might think of our questions as 'stupid' questions. Therefore, as adults, rather than admit that we do not understand, we try to do the job the best we can
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مابر روی زمین زندگی می کنیم
Voice _ sound _ audio
Sound میشه صوت audio میشه صوتی
