شق قمر

پیشنهاد کاربران

دانشمندان ناسا ومتخصصین "ماه - زمین" دونیم شدن ماه را تأیید نمی کنند؛
أمّا قطعاً ترک ها وشیارها و. . . قابل مشاهده هستند:
وتوسط آتش فشان ها و عامل بوردت وگرمایش توسط خورشید وجاذبه زمین وبرخورد شهاب سنگ ها به وجود آمدند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

According to scientists, a crack in the moon does indeed exists.
see also:
Moon Crackes
Moon fissure
Moon rilles
Moon craters
Moon fragments
Moon Scratchs
https://lunarpedia. org/w/Geologic_Processes_on_the_Moon/Volcanism
https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Moon#Accretion
https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Splitting_of_the_Moon
https://www. space. com/impacts - cracked - the - moon. html

وادلّه کامل وکافی توسط استادعطار هست تحت عناوین:
شق القمر
ترک خورد
ترک خوردگی

بر علاوه شهود ثبت شده توسط چینی ها وهندی ها وعرب ها:
On June 18, 1178, five monks in Canterbury, England, believed they witnessed the formation of a crater on the Moon.
https://education. nationalgeographic. org/resource/monks - may - witness - moon - split - two/

The idea that what humans witnessed and chronicled in 1178 A. D. was a major meteor impact that created the 22 - kilometer ( 14 - mile ) lunar crater called Giordano Bruno is myth,
a University of Arizona graduate student has discovered.
https://science. nasa. gov/solar - system/moon/what - medieval - witnesses - saw - was - not - big -
lunar - impact - grad - student - says/
https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Splitting_of_the_Moon

. . .

شق قمرشق قمرشق قمرشق قمر
منابع• https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/moon/what-medieval-witnesses-saw-was-not-big-lunar-impact-grad-student-says/• https://lunarpedia.org/w/Geologic_Processes_on_the_Moon/Volcanism• https://www.space.com/impacts-cracked-the-moon.html
