سر زدن فوری

پیشنهاد کاربران

🔴 معنی
◀️ مثال
Swing by یعنی وقتی داری به جایی میری یه سَراکِشه ( سَرَک کشیدن ) میکشی به یکجا ؛ سر زدن فوری به فرد یا مکان ( در میان سفرت )
Swing | Swung | Swung
🔴 to visit a place quickly, especially on your way to another place
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ I told Paul we’d swing by his place around 7. 30
◀️ We can swing past the store on the way to the party
🔴 to briefly go somewhere, esp. on your way to another place
🔴 to visit a place or person for a short time
◀️ I’ll swing by the grocery store on my way
He/She/It : Swings By
Past Participle : Swung By
🔴 to make a short visit to a person or place
◀️ ? Just swing by on your way home, okay
🔴 to make a brief visit
◀️ I'll swing by after work to drop off the paperwork
