
لغت نامه دهخدا

اسبوع. [ اُ ] ( ع اِ ) هفته. ( منتهی الارب ). هفت روز متعارفه. ج ، اسابیع. ( مهذب الاسماء ). || هفت بار. ( مؤید الفضلاء ). طاف بالبیت اسبوعاً؛ هفت بار بر گرد خانه گردید. ( منتهی الارب ).

فرهنگ معین

( اُ ) [ ع . ] (اِمر. ) ۱ - هفته . ۲ - هفت بار. ج . اسابیع .

فرهنگ عمید


پیشنهاد کاربران

me:The term week seems same for all nations, from where did it come the seven days
The seven - day week has ancient roots and can be traced back to various cultures and
civilizations throughout history. The early origins of the seven - day week are not
[مشاهده متن کامل]

entirely clear, and different theories have been proposed.
One theory suggests that the seven - day week originated from ancient Babylon in the
6th century BCE. The Babylonians followed a lunar calendar, and they assigned one of
the seven celestial bodies visible to them ( Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, and Saturn ) to each day of the week.
Another theory connects the seven - day week to the ancient Egyptians, who also used a
lunar calendar. Some evidence suggests that the Egyptians associated each day of the
week with a particular deity or celestial body.
The ancient Greeks and Romans inherited the seven - day week from the Babylonians and
Egyptians, incorporating it into their own calendars. This seven - day cycle then
spread across Europe and became the standard week for various cultures.
Later on, the Romans named each day of the week after specific celestial bodies or
pagan gods, which influenced the names still used in many languages today.
For example, Sunday ( Sun ) , Monday ( Moon ) , Tuesday ( Mars ) , Wednesday ( Mercury ) , Thursday
( Jupiter ) , Friday ( Venus ) , and Saturday ( Saturn ) .
Over time, different cultures around the world adopted and adapted the seven - day
week for various religious, cultural, and practical reasons. Today, the seven - day
week is widely used, although it's important to note that some cultures and
calendars may follow different week structures.

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