

    in vain
    to no avail

مترادف ها

useless (صفت)
خنثی، بیهوده، بی مصرف، عاری از فایده، غیر قابل استفاده، غیر ضروری، عاطل، زائد، نا کار، بی فایده، بلا استفاده، عبث، باطله

vain (صفت)
عقیم، پوچ، خود بین، تهی، بیهوده، عاطل، ناچیز، بی فایده، باطل، جزیی، عبث

پیشنهاد کاربران

جمله بندی وهجاء کلمات عمدا ناقص یا اشتبه نوشتم برای بیان قدرت "هوش مصنوعی" برای فهم مطالب وبحث کلامی.
me:coming exterme complex cosmos from a point bigbang and end with darkness and
!atoms destruction by dark matter whithout another world exis t is vain
[مشاهده متن کامل]

GPT:The ultimate fate of the universe is a subject of ongoing scientific investigation and theoretical exploration. Current scientific observations and models indicate that the universe is expanding,
and depending on various factors, it could have different possible futures.
One possibility is the "Heat Death" scenario,
where the universe continues to expand and eventually reaches a state of maximum entropy.
In this scenario, all energy is evenly distributed, and no usable energy remains to fuel life or any other processes.
This would result in a dark and seemingly lifeless universe.
Another hypothesis is the "Big Freeze" scenario, where the expansion of the universe continues indefinitely, causing the stars to exhaust their energy and
the cosmos to become increasingly cold and dark over an extremely long time span.
However, it is important to note that these scenarios represent current theories based on available knowledge and observations.
Science continually evolves as new discoveries are made, which may lead to revisions or refinements of our understanding.
Additionally, it is worth considering that our understanding of the universe is limited by our current knowledge and technological capabilities. We cannot rule out the possibility of other realms or dimensions beyond our current comprehension.
It is possible that the true nature and ultimate destiny of the universe are far more complex and enigmatic than our current understanding allows us to comprehend.
Exploring and unraveling these mysteries is an ongoing endeavor for scientists and philosophers alike.

از جهان هیچ ندیدیم و عبث عمر گذشت. ای دریغا که
ز گهواره رسیدیم به گور. 🚬 هوشنگ ابتهاج
عَبَث� درسته؟؟
یا عَب� ث�؟
all in vain
عبث به معنی کاری است که هدف صحیح در آن تعقیب نمی شود .
بی سرانجام
کار بیهوده و بی نتیجه در زبان مُلکی گالی ( زبان بومیان رشته کوه مکران در جنوب شرق کشور )
بیهوده٬بی ثمر٬بی نتیجه
بی فایده
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ١٢)
