the benefits years of servicethe concept of all financial resourcesthe continental modelthe contractual approach view of incomethe current non current approachthe monetary non monetary approachthe net investment approachthe powerful votethe responsibilities of institutional shareholdersthe value added concept of incomethefttheoretical capacitytheoritical frameworktheory of chancethird partythreshold rate tor unsatisfactory compliancethrough bill of ladingtickettime and motion studytime assumptiontime chartertime constraintstime keepingtime periodtime period assumptiontime period concepttime seriestime sharingtime sharing programstime sharing systemtime sheettime summariestime tickettime valuetime value of moneytime wagestimelinesstimely disclosuretimely informationtimes interest earnedtimingtiming differencetiming differencestiming of cash flowtiming of revenue recognitiontitletitle deedtlx proforma invoiceto deflateto finance