
پیشنهاد کاربران

Another term for the iGeneration or Generation Z. “Zoomers” is a play on the word “boomers” and emphasizes the digital fluency and fast - paced nature of this generation.
اصطلاح دیگری برای iGeneration یا Generation Z
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"Zoomers" بازی با کلمه "boomers" است و بر روان بودن دیجیتال و ماهیت سریع این نسل تاکید دارد.
Zoomers are known for their ability to quickly adapt to new technologies.
A member of Generation Z might say, “I’m a proud Zoomer, we’re the future of innovation. ”
In a conversation about generational differences, someone might comment, “Zoomers have grown up in a world of constant connectivity. ”
