
پیشنهاد کاربران

Yuppies, short for Young Urban Professionals, refers to a group of young professionals who lived in urban areas in the 1980s and were known for their career - driven mindset and materialistic lifestyle.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Yuppies، مخفف Young Urban Professionals، به گروهی از متخصصان جوان اشاره می کند که در دهه 1980 در مناطق شهری زندگی می کردند و به خاطر طرز فکر شغل محور و سبک زندگی مادی گرایانه خود، شهرت داشتند.
Yuppies were often associated with expensive suits and fancy cars.
In a discussion about generational stereotypes, someone might mention, “Yuppies were seen as ambitious and focused on climbing the corporate ladder. ”
A person might reflect, “The term ‘yuppie’ has become somewhat outdated, but it still represents a specific era and mindset. ”

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