youve got me there

پیشنهاد کاربران

املا آن در سر تیتر باید اصلاح شود.
The phrase "you've got me there" means that someone has made a point or argument that is difficult to refute or counter. It is an acknowledgment that the other person has a valid point that leaves you without a good response or rebuttal.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

✍️عبارت "You've got me there" به این معنی است که کسی نکته یا استدلالی مطرح کرده که رد کردن یا مقابله با آن دشوار است. این عبارت به این معنی است که طرف مقابل نکته ای معتبر گفته که شما را بدون پاسخ یا استدلال خوب رها می کند.
👈مترادف: You have a point, I can't argue with that, fair enough
After hearing her explanation, he said, "You've got me there, I hadn't considered that perspective. "
"You've got me there, " he admitted, realizing he had no counterargument.
When she pointed out the flaw in his plan, he had to concede, "You've got me there. "

چی بگم والا!
توش موندم
جوابی ندارم
گرفتی منو
ﻧﻤﯿﺪﻭﻧﻢ، ﺣﻖ ﺑﺎ ﺗﻮﺋﻪ
