you never know what you've got till it's gone

پیشنهاد کاربران

وقتی قدر خورشید را می دانیم که دیگر نتابد
قدر عافیت کسی داند که به مصیبتی گرفتار آید سعدی
🔰you never know what you've got till it's gone🔰
People tend to take things for granted while they are available
Synonym: you never miss the water till the well runs dry
🔰you never know what you've got till it's gone🔰
You don't fully appreciate people or things until you lose them
. E. g
👈My grandfather passed away last month, and I miss him so much. Truly, you never know what you've got till it's gone
👈Having an old junker of a car was better than having no car at all—now I have to walk everywhere! I guess it's true that you never know what you've got till it's gone
*هیچ وقت نمیدونی چی داری مگه زمانی که از دستش بدی*
