you do you

پیشنهاد کاربران

هر کاری عشقته کُن
🔴 معنی ◀️ مثال
idiom mainly US informal
🔴 used to say that someone should do what they think is best, what they enjoy most, or what suits their personality
🔴 When someone says “you do you, ” they're expressing their feeling that you are allowed to do whatever you want
[مشاهده متن کامل]

◀️ In fact, being one's true self is one of the biggest pieces of advice Douglas gives. "You do you, " she says
گاهی تشویقی هست. یعنی منظورت اینه کار درستو خودت بلدی
◀️ Sophia: It sounds crazy, but I just bought a ticket to Japan. I’m finally going to pursue my dream of climbing Mount Fuji. Most of my friends disapprove, but I don’t care about what anyone else thinks!
Pierre: You do you, Sophia! You shouldn’t listen to the naysayers anyway. I’m so happy for you!
گاهی طعنه آمیزه که منظورت اینه که اون کار افتضاحه ولی اگه میخوای انجام بدی مسئولیتش با خودته ( خوددانی )
◀️ Oskar: I’m totally prepared for that English test tomorrow morning, so I’m going to go out and drink with the boys
Dmitri: Whatever, man. That’s really not a good idea, but it’s your life; you do you
۱. کاری که میدونی درسته و برات بهتره رو انجام بده
۲. خود دانی ( یعنی بنظرت رفتار و کار طرف جالب نیست ولی نمیخوای مستقیم بهش بگی نکن اون کارو )

هر جور راحتی
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خودت میدونی
خودت میدونی و خودت
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