yes man


(خودمانی) بله قربان گو، چاکر، نوکرماب، چاپلوس، ادم بله بله گو

بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
حالات: yes-men
• : تعریف: one who always agrees with a superior, or approves of every opinion or idea of the superior; sycophant.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• person who agrees to everything, person who works to please others
a yes-man is someone who always agrees with people who have authority over them, in order to gain favour; used showing disapproval.

پیشنهاد کاربران

حزب باد
بله قربان گو.
به مردی میگن که ضعیفه و همیشه با مافوق خودش موافقه.
همچنین برای مردی که به درخواست های یک زن همیشه جواب میده گفته میشه.
yes - man ( n ) ( pl. yes - men yɛsmɛn ) =a person who always agrees with people in authority in order to gain their approval
yes man
Yes Man
✔️ The idiom “yes man” refers to a person who always agrees with others, especially with his or her boss
yes - man
noun [ C ] disapproving
✔️ a person who agrees with everything their employer, leader, etc. says in order to please them
[مشاهده متن کامل]

CambridgeDictionary. co. uk@
✔️ someone who always agrees with and obeys their employer, leader etc in order to gain some advantage – used to show disapproval
LongmanDictionary. xom@

فرد بله قربان گو
فرد بله گو
فرد چاپلوس
People pleaser
a weak, servile, submissive, or acquiescent
Who always agrees with their superior
[این معنی از همه معانی گفته شده، بهتر و نزدیک تره]
