written all over someone's face

پیشنهاد کاربران

رخساره خبر می دهد از سر درون
The phrase "written all over someone's face" is used to describe a situation where a person's emotions, thoughts, or feelings are clearly evident from their facial expression. It signifies that the individual's inner state is so apparent that it can be easily observed by others.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

برای توصیف موقعیتی استفاده می شود که در آن عواطف، افکار یا احساسات یک فرد به وضوح از حالت چهره او مشخص است. این نشان می دهد که وضعیت درونی فرد به قدری آشکار است که دیگران می توانند به راحتی آن را مشاهده کنند.
When Sarah saw the surprise party her friends had organized for her, joy and gratitude were written all over her face.
Despite his attempts to hide it, nervousness was written all over John's face as he prepared for his first public speech.
The disappointment was unmistakably written all over her face when she didn't get the promotion she had been hoping for.

written all over someone
منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/written-all-over-face
